Saturday, May 7, 2011


Yesterday my boyfriend, Brent, and I went goldfish shopping. I love goldfish.  I bought this one. :) He is awesome because he has a mustache! Here he is! His mouth is not open in this picture, that is a black mark on his upper lip. He has a mustache. I cannot get over it.!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Giant DAM cow? I think yes.

     This past weekend I had the pleasure of going going going to Denver to visit the Denver Art Museum (DAM), the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Denver Botanical Gardens. It was a great deal, it only cost me twenty dollars (all expenses included) AWESOME!
     At the Denver Art Museum, my favorite piece was located outside the building. These are the DAM cows. (hehehehehehe) :) They are enormous bronze sculptures of an Angus cow and a calf both three times the size of an actual cow. Originally commissioned by artist Ostermiller, Scottish Angus Cow and Calf was cast for Leo Hindery, a Colorado Ranch owner for his ranch. Needless so say, these were expensive.  :) They were a gift to the DAM in 2006 and ranch owner Leo Hindery paid one million dollars for it's instillation and it's upkeep (what a man). ;)
     Since I am currently taking bronze casting at school, I found these to be absolutely INCREDIBLE. One day I will make something this big.

Monday, April 11, 2011

So you may not know that..

I am a taxidermist's aide. :) A fairly interesting job if I do say so myself..
This is a photo of me on the job. Taxidermy is something very unique, and extremely interesting, that most people do not understand (or do not want to understand).  As 'gross' as it might seem, I love it. The picture above is special to me because it was taken right after I witnessed my boss, Daryl, cape a deer for the first time.  For those that do not know what caping a deer is, it is the process of skinning a deer from the nose down to the shoulders. This "cape" is then used on a foam form to mount. 

This picture, if you cannot already tell what it is, is of me holding a freshly de-skinned deer head. :) The tongues are my favorite part because they look really silly.  Taxidermy is my new favorite hobby! You should be impressed!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh, happy!!

How can this possibly get any cuter? Honestly, it is just like the Lion King, but with real life lions.   Although this picture is cute and all, I really hope that this picture did not turn out horribly wrong! :) Lions are so cute, from a reasonable distance.